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Missional Response to Covid-19 Webinar with Ed Stetzer

We've made it through the first weekend where massive changes happened in most churches. What's becoming more clear is this crisis is not going to be ending soon. But that means there is a MASSIVE opportunity for God to break through. As we know at Christ Together, God always prefers to do that through the Church. So how might God want to do that through your local expression?

Christ Togther has asked Ed Stetzer and Jeff Christopherson to lead a webinar with us this upcoming Thursday, March 19, @ 2pm EST.

Ed Stetzer is an author, speaker and the Executive Director of the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College. Jeff Christopherson is the C-Founder and Missiologist at the SEND Institute and the current Executive Director of Church Planting Canada.


March 12

Connect Ministries Meeting

March 22

Neighborhood Prayer Challenge