On Saturday, Feb. 9th, 2019, CSU will hold our next Epic Bible Teacher Training. It will prepare area Bible teachers to teach Lifeway’s Explore the Bible® literature just weeks before the start of a new quarter.[1] This training teaches the big picture of that quarter’s biblical book(s) and answers interpretive questions in a balanced manner so that these area Bible teachers can design their own individual lessons with a book’s larger message in mind.
Who will teach? Dr. Ed Gravely, Associate Professor of Christian Studies at Charleston Southern University and a member of Crossroads Community Church, Summerville, SC.
Who should consider coming?
Any area bible teacher who wants to learn how Galatians and James fit into the Bible’s message.
Any area senior, associate, education or discipleship pastor who wants to investigate whether this type of training will be beneficial to his church’s Bible Study ministry.
Any Christian who wants to study how Galatians and James fit into the Bible’s message.
What is the cost? This training is free. Coffee, water and a workbook are provided free of charge.
When will this meeting occur? 8 a.m.–Noon, Saturday, August 11.
Where will the meeting occur? It will take place on the CSU campus in room WCCL 110. This room is on the first floor of theWhitfield Center for Christian Leadership, next to the reflecting pool. You can park near the chapel and easily walk to the room.
What do participants need to bring? A Bible, a writing utensil and an open heart. We’ll provide a workbook.
What do I do next?
Please register online so that workbooks will be ready.
Questions? plink@csuniv.edu.
Upcoming Dates:
May 11, 2019 1, 2 Timothy, Titus with Dr. Ed Gravely
[1] Explore the Bible® is a registered trademark of LifeWay Christian Resources (One LifeWay Plaza, Nashville, TN 37234). This training has no affiliation with LifeWay.